Thursday, November 27, 2014


I love Thanksgiving. I love our traditions ... the boys and Gus going camping every Thanksgiving Eve with Daddy Nick & others on the family farm; taking Hollis to Mom & Dad's to have our own slumber party; having Thanksgiving lunch with my side of the family at Mom & Dad's eating the famous turkey, gravy and dressing that Grandma [my mom's mom] always cooked growing up; going home for quick naps & heading to the farm to be with Gus' side of the family for the remainder of the day ... that's how we always spend Thanksgiving, and I love every minute of it. 

As much as I look forward to our family traditions, I appreciate this day just as much for forcing me to ponder all that I have to be grateful for ... to be intentional in my thanksgiving. Here are just a few things I am thanking my Creator for today:

1. my husband who makes me laugh all the time
2. our healthy and happy children
3. grandparents who adore their grandchildren
4. family & friends who bless our lives more than they know
5. for being born in the United States of America
6. heat & hot water
7. clear nights when the sky is filled with stars
8. seeing excitement on the faces of our kids
9. Sunday naps
10. coffee & dark chocolate [not together though!]


"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name." [Psalm 100:4]

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