Showing posts with label classical conversations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classical conversations. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

our memory master :)

Love love this picture ... that smiley-face. :) Matthew is holding up the proof of earning the right to call himself a "memory master" for the very first time. Monday, April 20th, was a huge day.

I'll explain ... becoming a "memory master" is an accomplishment that can be earned at the end of each year @ Classical Conversations. However, it's completely optional, and this was Matthew's first year going for it. I had always heard from others how tough it can be preparing & studying, but I really had no idea until we started. We had about 2-3 weeks of me drilling the year's memory work for hours and hours ... six different subjects, 24 weeks of material. [things like: states + capitals & where they are on the map; John 1:1-7 in English & Latin; US presidents in order; the entire timeline from Creation to September 11th; etc.] Anyway, our system was to study/drill for an hour, and then he could play Wii for a break. We did that over and over those weeks leading up to his test date.

I'll never forget the weekend before his big test on Monday. I started coming down with a cold, and we still had a lot of drilling to do. Regardless of how I felt, our time was running out. I was so stressed, and Matthew was running out of steam. After he had check marks for every bit of the material [looking like the paper he's holding above], it was time to give him a practice test.  At this point, he was merely hours from the real test. I could not believe it. Matthew had completely regressed and was getting so many questions wrong! Thankfully, I had no energy to push him because that would not have been the right decision. He was exhausted and mentally fried, so he went on to bed ... and I was a mess. I felt so sick, and was an emotional wreck as a result. This test was pass-fail. Either he answered every single question correctly, or he didn't. It wasn't looking like he was going to get memory masters, and I was terrified of setting him up for failure. So just before bed, I emailed his tutor [who would be administering the test] explaining everything ... my cold/breakdown, his exhaustion and lack of remembering the material, etc. To my surprise, she emailed back saying everything we were experiencing was so normal. She said every child has a time of not remembering anything, and you doubt if he/she is truly ready. She was not letting him or me off the hook. Truthfully, that had been my secret hope in emailing her. I felt like so much was going against us.

His test was at 10 a.m. that Monday morning, we reviewed as much as possible over breakfast, we were running late [no shock there], Hollis was barefoot with pajamas still on, I wanted to cry all the way to Tallahassee, and a nasty thunderstorm was approaching. But here's the good in it all ... a wise friend texted me that morning reminding me of all Matthew learned from our preparation, and that memory masters or no memory masters, there was reason for celebration. I needed my eyes opened to that, which in turn resulted in me telling Matthew on the way there that no matter what, Gus and I were extremely proud of him. I prayed so much on that drive that I truly would be content with whatever happened. I knew how hard he worked, and I wanted him to achieve memory masters so bad. When we arrived, the five of us raced out of the suburban, huddled in a quick prayer for Matthew at the door of the building, and then scurried inside knowing the storm was about to hit. What a morning!

It was the longest two hours waiting on him to finish the test [oral, by the way]. His face when he and his tutor walked in the room was priceless. HE DID IT!!! It was most thrilling seeing how great he felt about his accomplishment. It was written all over his face. :)

Friday, May 1, 2015

four friday faves.

I'm back! Great, fun things have been happening in our life. April was pretty jam-packed for us, which is why I've barely blogged lately. But life is now getting back to a more normal pace for me ... So, here is a sneak peek of four important events I'll dedicate individual posts to this month. Can't wait. :)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

His ways.

This is a pretty serious post for a Saturday, but it's one I knew I would write eventually. A few days before Valentine's Day, we [meaning myself, our family, our CC group] were hit with a tragedy we did not see coming. In a matter of only hours, we went from praying continuously for the health of a fellow CC mom to utterly heartbroken that she didn't make it. Here's the story...

Leah [pronounced lay-a] was one of the moms in Matthew's class @ CC. Her sons Elijah & Joshua are part of the all-boy class. Even though we saw each other and spoke every week, I didn't know Leah in the way that many others at CC did ... I spend most of my time in Hudson's class, mainly only joining Matthew's class to watch his presentations each week. So, Leah and I didn't interact a lot. My biggest interaction with her was at Earth Fare two years ago. It was my first trip to Earth Fare, I had all the kids, and it was pure mayhem! Each of the boys had a mini cart, which constantly tempted them to want to race them through the store, Eli threw up in the produce section, and I was about to lose my mind. :) Times like that always make me feel like there are judgmental eyes surrounding me. Then I saw Leah. She was new to CC at the time, so we introduced ourselves, and I vividly remember that interaction. At first I wasn't thrilled to see a familiar face with all the chaos around me, but I immediately felt at ease with Leah. She "got it," I could tell she wasn't judging me, and she was so pleasant to speak with. It was the calm I needed that crazy afternoon in Earth Fare.

Fast forward to Monday, February 9th. I was sitting in Matthew's afternoon writing class at CC, and one of my friends read a Facebook post about Leah needing prayers regarding kidney failure. She had just given birth to their third child, daughter Zivah, only 4 days prior. It was shocking. We knew it was serious, so several of us left the classroom and prayed together. By 7 o'clock that night, we had gotten word that Leah's heart had stopped, and that doctors weren't certain she would make it through the night. I know countless prayers pleading with God to save her were heard by our Creator that day and into the wee hours of the night. It was literally devastating to find out the next morning that Leah had died. Knowing how sad I was, I couldn't fathom what it was like for her family and friends ... for her husband, Dan, and those sweet boys ... and that baby who barely met her mommy.

Talk about a giant faith-tester. I had so many thoughts and emotions, all stemming from one central question: "Why didn't God save Leah?" As a mom, this is/was so hard to swallow. It's personally one of my biggest fears. However, over and over God brought to my mind two verses that brought comfort and encouragement and a bit of understanding:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither 
are your ways my ways, declares the Lord." [Isaiah 55:8]

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together
for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." [Romans 8:28]

My faith was tested and thankfully strengthened as a result ... More than ever, I believe and know that God's ways are eternally minded. That's all that truly matters in life. If just one person comes into relationship with Jesus because of Leah's death, I know God's purpose was just that. I also know that Leah loved God, and was fulfilling His calling on her life here on earth. Therefore, God's promise in Romans to work "good" out of this devastation will hold true. Amid the deep, deep sadness felt by those who love Leah or those of us whose heart just breaks for them, these verses offer hope.

One of the most profound things I heard said that week was this: "Let us not mourn for where she isn't, but rejoice for where she is." As difficult as that may sound, that is the reality for those who love Jesus.

In conclusion, this song was played at Leah's service. So fitting.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

back to reality.

So we thoroughly enjoyed our holiday break ... lots of Wii playing + TV watching; endless Lego playing; later breakfasts & bedtimes; countless pajama-wearing days ... it was pretty wonderful. But as much as I fight having a schedule & a routine, I REALLY crave it at the same time. It's back to the grind, but it's been pretty great :) We started school at home the week after New Years and CC this past Wednesday.

Our first day was frrreeeezzing outside ... which meant our house couldn't really warm up, so pajama day was a cozy way to start back to school. We kicked off the day with read-aloud time in the boys room, and then moved to the family room to work on sticker books while listening to Math skip counting music.

Presentation time - sharing a favorite Christmas gift with the class...

Our first day back at CC was also Science Fair day, and the boys loved seeing all the hands-on experiments!

Matthew's afternoon writing class [aka: Pre-Essentials] ... Mrs. Hellmann held her "Hellmann's Book Bonanza," so every kid picked a book to take home. 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

end of the year re-cap.

I never got around to posting about our November, and now it's the last day of 2014! So here's the end of our year, mainly in photos.

Last soccer game of the season ... and it was freezing!

We had such a great time at the Centennial Homecoming celebration at Gus' parents' church, First Presbyterian Church in Havana. The last picture of Gus was in one of the photo albums on display ... looks a lot like one of our boys :)

The dreaded stomach bug invaded our home in November [very thankful Gus was spared], and this sweet guy would not leave my side. I think I had him worried :(

Baking cookies with Nana & enjoying an art afternoon with Mama Anne ...

Studying Anatomy @ CC ... learning about pig organs from Dr. Franz + tracing bodies and pasting organs!

End of the semester field trip to Mission San Luis with all of the Tallahassee CC locations ...

Annual tradition ... Getting our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving @ Lowes.

We headed to Disney for a week the Sunday after Thanksgiving [i posted about it here and here] ... we were packed down!

We participated in Havana's annual lawnmower parade ... and won first place! Gus' parents & neighbors always come up with a great theme and float each year. This year's Frozen theme was a huge hit with everyone. We had the perfect Elsas, Annas, Sven, Olaf & Kristoff to participate.

We had our Sunday School class over for an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party, which included a wrapping game ... it was hilarious!

Making ornaments + cookies :)

Ice cream party with Matthew & Hudson's CC classes @ Winthrop Park ...

Christmas Eve @ Aunt Susie & Uncle Dave's!


Christmas day :)

Random photos the past two months ...