I was 23 years old... driving on I-10 on my way back home to Quincy from seeing Gus in Jacksonville. I heard the news on the radio long before I was able to see any footage on TV. I remember once I finally got back home all I did was either watch the news or talk on the phone about what had happened until I fell asleep that night. What a day.
The personal element of 9/11 for me was that my parents were in Washington D.C. when everything happened. I remember telling Mom & Dad I wanted them to come home now... check out of their hotel and figure out a way to drive home NOW. Like that was possible. The one thing Dad told me that day to encourage me was that they were in the safest city in the United States at that point. He was right. Protection over our great country's capital had come in at full force.
One of my favorite images from that day [doesn't seem right to call it "favorite"] is the footage of President George W. Bush finding out the unbelievably tragic news as he was reading to some school children in Florida. I can't imagine what that was like for him to have to keep his composure for the sake of those children. He handled it beautifully.
Back to yesterday... We told the boys a little bit about the significance of the day & had some craft time in honor of September 11th, 2001.
there is so much evil in the world, this verse encourages me...
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
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