Friday, November 28, 2014

four friday faves.

[1] Dancing With the Stars ... This is the first time I've gotten into this show, & now I can't wait for next season! Alfonso [aka: Carlton] was an amazing dancer & deserved that win, big time.
[2] DisneyWorld ... Little do our kids know, we are surprising them with an early Christmas present trip to Disney soon!!! Cannot wait.
[3] Brookside chocolates ... amazing + addictive.
[4] "A Baby Changes Everything" by Faith Hill ... I first heard this a few years ago and immediately added it to my long list of favorite Christmas songs.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I love Thanksgiving. I love our traditions ... the boys and Gus going camping every Thanksgiving Eve with Daddy Nick & others on the family farm; taking Hollis to Mom & Dad's to have our own slumber party; having Thanksgiving lunch with my side of the family at Mom & Dad's eating the famous turkey, gravy and dressing that Grandma [my mom's mom] always cooked growing up; going home for quick naps & heading to the farm to be with Gus' side of the family for the remainder of the day ... that's how we always spend Thanksgiving, and I love every minute of it. 

As much as I look forward to our family traditions, I appreciate this day just as much for forcing me to ponder all that I have to be grateful for ... to be intentional in my thanksgiving. Here are just a few things I am thanking my Creator for today:

1. my husband who makes me laugh all the time
2. our healthy and happy children
3. grandparents who adore their grandchildren
4. family & friends who bless our lives more than they know
5. for being born in the United States of America
6. heat & hot water
7. clear nights when the sky is filled with stars
8. seeing excitement on the faces of our kids
9. Sunday naps
10. coffee & dark chocolate [not together though!]


"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name." [Psalm 100:4]

Saturday, November 22, 2014

october recap.

I cannot believe we are just FIVE days away from Thanksgiving already!! Better late than never on this :)

Nerf gun wars in the backyard ...

Ambulance presentation @ CC ...

Random ...

Matthew's afternoon writing class @ CC... here he is officially becoming a "word discoverer" [hence the outfits]. Mrs. Hellmann is his teacher, and she's also a professor at the local community college. She came up with a fabulous idea of having the kids discover two new words each week to compile their vocabulary list. I can't even put into words how happy it makes my heart to see the sheer joy on his face in these pictures. In the last one she's giving Matthew "word power" ... as she does at the end of every class. The kids LOVE it.

An afternoon of painting ...

Fall festival @ church ...

CC class presentations ...

These are from my day serving in Eli's pre-school class @ CC ... all the moms rotate helping the teacher, Mr. Steve. Unfortunately, I've been known to complain about this time because it takes me out of class with the big boys. [so I'll miss their presentations or maybe a creative way to learn the memory work introduced by their tutors] But thankfully I've learned to look beyond myself. I really love this time with just Eli ... seeing what all he does on Mondays & being able to focus on my sweet little guy for a few hours. 

A trip to the train store [aka: Barnes & Noble] as a treat after dentist appointments...

Halloween ...

These two on the playground @ CC :)
Here's Matthew earning Bible memory by reciting John 1:1-7 to his tutor, Mrs. Lindsey. Hudson also earned it, and is showing their reward.